Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Countdown

The countdown is on, five more days and my little bro will be home from Japan, yeeha! Ten more days and we will be celebrating Christmas. My how the time flies. I got crazy and attempted Christmas cookies with the kids, that went relatively well, as long as messiness is not an issue. We had food substance alllll over the dining room and each other. The important thing is they seemed to have FUN!!! After destroying, oops, I mean decorating the cookies and such they got to go outside and enjoy the beautiful day. They took the dog for a walk, rode bikes and played in the backyard, leaving the cleanup to Jeff. I say Jeff, because I was too exhausted to move. He was very sweet about helping out, thank goodness. By the end of the day all the kids were full of cookies and ready to go home, Trey, who was reluctant to come to Aunt Debbie's for the day asked very sweetly, "Do I get to go home?" I of course replied, "NO, you have to stay here forever!" Thankfully, he is getting better at recognizing my silliness, cause that used to send him into tears. Anytime I think I am a pretty fun aunt I just have to attempt to have one of Steph's kids over, they usually shoot down any offer of quality time with Aunt Debbie, they think I am mean or something. I suppose it doesn't help that Steph threatens them with me when they are naughty, oh well, I am okay being the wicked Aunt of the west I guess. Well, I hope everyone is excited about the holidays and ready to enjoy their time with family and friends. Have a very Merry Christmas, PEACE and LOVE to all!!

1 comment:

Huber Family said...

Cute pics, O Wicked One = )~ Looking forward to seeing you on Friday. Let's pray the weather holds out ...
Stay warm!

Chaos at the kitten zoo

Chaos at the kitten zoo