Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today is another Day

Life is good and the kids are great. After a while the crazy just becomes the norm so I would say that is where we are in life. I have to be reminded over and over to get things done, example, Tyson has been in preschool since the beginning of September and I forgot to have a physical done on him. How did I forget? Well, no one told me every day to go get it done. Thankfully, his teacher is very understanding and has only had to remind me twice now. On top of that, when I scheduled an appointment to have the physical done either I or the lady making the appointment got mixed up and I showed up a day early. Then they couldn't get me in til Friday, so even when I finally remember to do something I show up at the wrong time. So hopefully on Friday my son will get his physical a mere 2.5 months late. Oh, and in case you were wondering, this hasn't even hit my husbands radar.
Lydia is always Lydia. She is currently going through a hair stage. We have to have something fun or crazy every day. She is also very talented at putting together very interesting clothes combinations. She will be a leader in the fashion industry some day. But guess what, when they had wild hair day at school or mismatch day, she had to be normal. She can't be like anybody else and that is what makes her so extra-special.
Acacia is just so mild mannered it is scary. Of course that is only when her sister is not around. They still find plenty of time to fight with one another. She is doing well in school and just got a treat from religion class for perfect attendance. I won't be getting anything like that at church I am sure.
Anyways, I am looking forward to next week because I get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. People always say, "you are your own boss, you can take whatever time off you want". BUT-I have to make it up somewhere and that makes it hard. So I am excited to have those two days off to eat and sleep and eat some more. Then on Friday we can put out the Christmas decorations-Yeah!!
Have a wonderful week and a great Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Times-For Real

For all of you who are wondering what a day in the Mai house is like, it most resembles a circus filled with wild animals on crack. Why on earth does my 5 year old wake up at 5:15 every morning when she does not need to be up until 7? Mostly to make sure that everyone knows their ears work just fine and to be certain daddy is up to go to work. Who needs an alarm clock anyways? So, that is the way my day begins. Lydia's whisper is a roar and she roars until school begins. The girls prepare for school by yelling at each other, "Don't LOOK at me!", "Mom, Lydia is staring at me", "She is calling me names", "OOOOH, she said a bad thing". You know what, I don't care at 7am, I am not sure I start caring until about 10:30, maybe not even then. Then after the yell fest is over they yell some more, "Hurry up", "Let's go", "Did you sign my homework?" The last question usually sends me over the edge, because Jeff and I have an agreement that I do not deal with homework, because he is the one home at night while I am working, thus has plenty of time to help with homework. Well, chances are Jeff has done what he is suppose to do and Lydia forgets and then yells at me, all before 8am. Then the babies show up and start getting into everything, then Tyson wakes up and gets mad at the babies for getting into his things, then I have an appointment, then I feed the babies, then Tyson, then take Tyson to school, then work while the babies take their nap, then pick up the kids, then the screaming begins again. My relief comes in the form of lovely ladies who are willing to put their lives on the line to enter the crack circus, and pay me for it. Thank God. Trust me, the kids are suppose to stay out of the shop, however, they are sneaky and Jeff has difficulty keeping his eyes on the kids, of course that is because they are usually focused on the TV, but that is okay, I know where my kids got their powerful vocal cords. They have learned from the best , "JEEFFFFF!!!! Do YOU know where your kids are? Of course he does and I am sure that the kids are in more trouble for interrupting his tv show than for being in my shop, but that is okay. Then when I am finished working I come upstairs in hopes of getting a bite to eat before bed, that is when the children most resemble wild animals. "I'm hungry"- YOU'RE WHAT? "Daddy didn't feed us", which is not true, they chose not to eat, which is better than it used to be, because Daddy used to not make supper because "The kids didn't tell me what they wanted to eat" WHAT? They are kids, you choose what they eat-DUH! So at least he is providing food now, however, they refuse to eat it and then eat my supper, leaving me hungry once again, just not for long cause then I get to heat up more food in hopes of it actually making it to my mouth and later on to my a*&.
Anyways, I just thought you might be interested in a play by play of my typical day. And you know what? Every minute is worth it, Please remind me of this when I am institutionalized.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. We had a very good time and so far no belly aches from all the candy. Acacia won first prize in the Halloween contest for her gogo girl costume and Lydia took second place for Frankenstein. Tyson just wanted to be on stage. Who knows maybe he will play the next spiderman when he grows up. He thinks he is Peter Parker anyways. Here is Lydia's morning after picture, I do believe she is scarier today than she was last night. She definitely has some crazy hair. Tonight they are having a haunted house down town so we have one more Halloween event and then we can move onto preparing for Turkey Day. My second favorite holiday, lots of good food. Have a wonderful day.

Chaos at the kitten zoo

Chaos at the kitten zoo